I belong to a lot of photography groups on Facebook. I respect and admire so many other photographers who are doing their best to offer a quality service to their clients. Photographers often spend a lot of time and money improving their craft. We want our images to be beautiful, but also consistent. It's not that we want all of our images to look exactly the same... but we want our prospective clients to have a pretty good idea of what to expect when they receive their images. So we carefully craft our portfolios to reflect the kind of images we like to create. We want our style to be fairly obvious to someone seeking out our services.
However, I feel that some photographers take this a bit too far. Time after time, I have seen other photographers in these groups complain about the items their clients plan to bring to a newborn session. Some photographers even tell these clients that they do not allow outside items to be used during sessions at all. These photographers are trying to protect their style and their brand, and they feel that these items don't fit with the aesthetic they are trying to create. I see it differently. When someone hires me to take their pictures, these pictures are for THEM. I can be true to my style while also incorporating special items that my clients would like to include. And do you know what? I LOVE the images that result! I love them because my clients love them.
Take a look at some of these images I've created of newborns with items that are special to their families.

Do you have a special hobby or sport that you want to feature? Go ahead and bring that special item! Do you have an heirloom that has been passed down through the generations? No problem! I feel like these items make the pictures all the more personal and special.
One common item that people often like to include during newborn sessions are blankets. I've seen felt blankets, knitted blankets, crocheted blankets, and even quilts! These blankets were often given to or made for the baby by someone important in their life. Look at the extra personal touch that these blankets give to the images below.

Sometimes these personal items can be incorporated into the pictures of the parents and the baby. And sometimes they aren't even "items" at all! In the first image below, this mom wanted to showcase her tattoo to honor the babies she lost too soon. And, of course, showing an ultrasound during a maternity session is a great way to add that personal touch. I also love these images of the two dads. The addition of the cowboy hat and the baseball mitt make these images unique to them!

Another fun way that personal items can be incorporated into sessions is to use the same item across multiple sessions. This family brought in an heirloom rocking chair for their sweet girl's newborn session, and then we used the same rocking chair again when the baby was around 6 months old.

So, you've booked a newborn session, and now you may be wondering, "Do I NEED to bring some special item from home?" Of course not. My studio is fully stocked with all of the wraps, outfits, and headbands that you will need during your session. I've got you covered. Many of my clients don't bring anything from home. But if you have something really special that you would like to bring and use during the session, go for it! It is helpful if you let me know in advance so I can make sure to plan for it. But I absolutely welcome the use of a few special, personal items during your newborn session.